Will the final pool of this market be divisible by a prime number?
Jan 30
"Yes" if the amount in the pool is divisible by one or more prime numbers. Use the Sieve of Eratosthenes, a script, your memory from math class, or the Web for reference. #meta #math
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"Payout if NO: M$ 30 (+2870%)" A 3% chance of fraud/misclick doesn't seem unreasonable to me
There's a little bit to win. He started with a 100 ante, though most of that was on yes!
This will definitely resolve true, but there’s no money to be won here.
Uh, I think you may mean "Will the final pool be prime?". Otherwise, I've got some bad news for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_theorem_of_arithmetic
Won't this definitely resolve as YES?